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Australia and The Netherlands Sign Milestone Renewable Hydrogen Agreement-International Hydrogen Energy Center(IHEC)
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Australia and The Netherlands Sign Milestone Renewable Hydrogen Agreement
发布日期: 2023-02-03
阅读数: 729

ustralia and the Netherlands sign milestone renewable hydrogen agreement.


In a milestone agreement, Australia and the Netherlands signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to support the development of a renewable hydrogen supply chain from Australia to Europe.

Australia’s Climate Change and Energy Minister Chris Bowen and the Dutch Minister for Climate and Energy Rob Jetten signed the MoU in the Port of Rotterdam during the Minister’s visit to Europe to promote renewable energy ambition and cooperation.

The MoU demonstrates Australia’s commitment to working with international partners to advance shared clean energy interests and support emerging clean energy industries.

Australia’s abundance of renewable energy – including solar and wind energy – gives Australia a natural advantage for the extraction of hydrogen from water for domestic and international supply. 

The agreement complements the Port of Rotterdam’s work with state governments in Tasmania, Queensland, Western Australia, South Australia towards the establishment of a large-scale hydrogen network between the two countries. It has the potential to make Rotterdam an international hub for hydrogen imports, including for transport to other countries in Northwest Europe.

The MoU, signed at the Port of Rotterdam, covers:
•    hydrogen trade policy, standards and certification schemes;
•    port infrastructure and supply chain development;
•    innovative hydrogen technologies, including shipping, equipment and services; and 
•    government policies about safety, social licence and regulations for hydrogen.

The partnership is one element of the Australian Government’s efforts to ensure Australia reaches its goal of net zero by 2050, and to support global decarbonisation.